16 Remote Job Interview Questions Sample Answers Included

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Here’s how to answer it strategically, plus sample answers to help you prepare. Show them you’ve got this by not just listing jobs where you’ve worked remotely but also explaining how remote https://remotemode.net/ work for you differs from in-office work. That’ll show you understand the skills necessary to work from home. And if you’re still hunting for a remote job, FlexJobs is here to support you.

If you excel in one type of environment, it doesn’t mean that you’ll do fine in the other. Well, as a mother of 2, I have a very tight schedule, so working from home would allow me to get more work done while staying closer to my kids’ school. Unfortunately, remote work actually comes with a lot of downsides and its own difficulties. Then, 10 minutes before the interview, hop in the meeting room and wait for the interviewer to join the call.

How do you manage your tasks and time in order to stay productive?

Dana Sitar (@danasitar) has been writing and editing since 2011, covering personal finance, careers and digital media. Remote work means most of your communication and collaboration happens online, so you need to be savvy with the programs that facilitate remote work. Balancing home life and work life is a huge concern for anyone working from home — and for their employers. Some companies contribute to your home office set-up by sending you equipment, offering a stipend to help you buy stuff yourself or paying a monthly stipend to cover your internet and phone bills. Save time and find higher-quality jobs than on other sites, guaranteed. Fully remote companies have committed to permanent remote work and do not or no longer have physical offices.

  • So my advice when answering this question, or any question about the remote nature of a job, is to be honest if it excites you, and be honest if it’s part of the reason you applied.
  • In-person offices can have just as many—if not more—distractions, and explaining how you handled them can give the interviewer insight into how you’ll deal with distractions while working at home.
  • Do you have to coordinate live meetings across multiple time zones?
  • There’s no one sitting next to you to make sure you’re working, so it’s crucial that you’re organized and able to prioritize your tasks.
  • Remember, one of the most important qualities of a remote worker is being able to take responsibility.
  • Whatever it might be, embracing the company’s mission shows the hiring manager that you’re likely to grow with the company and create a career that you’ll love.

Perhaps you live in a rural area where there aren’t many opportunities in your field, or you have to commute a long distance to get to them. Or, maybe it’s not the idea of working remotely that appeals to you—it’s the idea of working for that particular company that excites you. So they’re going to choose a candidate who comes prepared with great questions and who seems engaged in the interview process. An interviewer may also ask, “How would your coworkers describe you? ” so be ready to share what your past colleagues would say about your work, too (all positive, of course).

Tell Me About a Time When You Weren’t Sure How To Do Something. How Did You Go About Seeking Out Information?

I also make sure to set specific blocks of time in my calendar for each task, ensuring that I can handle all the tasks I set for the day. When working remotely, you might sometimes struggle to stay productive. Here are nine questions about working from home and motivation that you should be prepared to answer — and some ideas of what you should consider before you answer. Whatever your answer, be sure it reminds the interviewer you are a great job candidate. For example, working from home might help you be more efficient because there are fewer distractions from colleagues or long, drawn-out meetings to attend.

describe your experience working remotely

Think about your interactions with them and mine those for examples of your remote skills. “Previous Employment” entries on a resume typically include the employer’s location as part of the standard information. However, you can slightly shift the setup to make it known that you performed the work remotely. By placing your remote work experience here, the recruiter will see right off the bat that you have previous experience with working independently from a home office.

How to answer

If hit TLC television show 90 Day Fiancée teaches us anything, it’s that humans are remarkably good at overcoming the artificial nature of long-distance communication. Of the articles and Twitter threads I’ve read from people who have actually tried remote work, this is the most common issue. In an office, it’s easy to spend twenty minutes by the watercooler, just hanging out with your peers. Those serendipitous interactions don’t occur remotely, every communication is intentional. If you have a remote interview, chances are at least part of it will take place on the phone or through video call.

If you already live in a high-pay, high-cost-of-living area like San Francisco or New York City, working remotely can grant you the freedom to move wherever you’d like. While not everyone can uproot their family and move, it’s still better to have the option than not. Remote-friendly companies don’t always pay Bay Area salaries, but in my experience, they tend to work from home experience pay quite a bit better than local ones. For example, Buffer pays based on San Francisco rates, and deducts up to 25% for cost-of-living. This feels pretty harsh to me, and yet it still comes out to a much more generous salary than is common in Montreal. I am very aware that this office is a privilege that many cannot afford—it costs $700 CAD / $525 USD a month.

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